Black Sunday

Back in high school, as a member of the Lake Worth High Student council (Yes, I was that kid), we had an opportunity to be extra’s in a movie being shot at the Orange Bowl in Miami (Um, the Orange Bowl was a stadium that both the Dolphins and the Miami Hurricanes used to win in) called, Black Sunday.

A movie about a terrorist plot where the Goodyear Blimp crashes into the Orange Bowl…during the Super Bowl!

The school piled us into un air-conditioned busses and sent us on our way. It was a 60 mile ride, so as high school kids, we of course figured out a way to get wasted, so we were.

Upon arrival, from what my memory serves, there were camera’s and directors and football players and about 8 million stoned high school kids.

We were ushered into the stadium, where they sat us in the stands. The director said, “Ok, look over your left shoulder and scream in horror”. We had to make believe that we could see the blimp crashing into the stadium, which was later added in horrible special effects. Then we were moved down to the field, where we were told, “if you were born in January, February or March, run east to west, everybody else run the other way”. It created pandemonium.

Sadly, the movie was a flop, but at least I can brag that I was in it, and have photographic proof of my 1976 era Afro!

If for some reason you want to watch Black Sunday in it's entirety you can rent it on Amazon Prime.

Video Courtesy of @JoeJohnsonOnAir/Photo: Getty Images

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