Domino's Delivers Pizza With New Self Driving Car

A new video uploaded on ViralHog shows us what might be the single greatest innovation in human history. Or, at least a top five contender. Ladies and gentlemen we give you the Domino's Pizza self driving delivery car. 

The new vehicle, which debuted in Vegas, is surprisingly simple. All you need to do is meet the car when notified, and then walk up to the window to retrieve your pizza. You don't even have to tip! It's that easy! 

CNN went into even more detail on this incredible invention in their report. They reported that during the testing phase, an engineer and a driver will be present in the car (for obvious safety purposes). And the real question is whether or not people will want to walk outside to get their pizza. Could American laziness be the thing that derails this automatic pizza future? Let us know what you think, and check out the video below: 

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