Help The Bahamas With Us

Hurricane Dorian has been sitting over the Bahamas and Florida is now getting the outer bands of the system.

We've been keeping you updated on social media, Broward and Miami-Dade are out of the storms way, Palm Beach still has a tropical storm warning but we've escaped the brutal force of Hurricane Dorian by the skin of our teeth.

Unfortunately our neighbours, the Bahamas have fronted the damage for us, and now it's time to help them.

Come and join me this Thursday and Friday, September 5th and 6th in collecting much needed supplies that we will be sending to victims of Dorian in the Bahamas.

We are accepting non-perishable donations:

·6am to 10pm on Thursday September 5that the Dolphin Mall in Miami 

·6am to 10pm on Friday September 6that The Shops at Pembroke Gardens

Items needed include:

  • New Generators
  • Plywood
  • Construction Materials (Hammers, nails, plumbing & roofing supplies)
  • Pop Up Tents
  • Gas Cans
  • Baby Diapers, Baby Food, Baby Wipes
  • Large boxes of sealed canned foods
  • New Blankets, Cots, Sleeping Bags, Air Mattresses
  • Large unopened bags of Pet Food or full boxes of Canned Pet Food

All donations can be dropped off at Dolphin Mall in the West Valet area between Cabo Flats and Cheese cake Factory and at The Shops at Pembroke Gardens, look for our collection area at the Trolley Stop. Donations will be accepted September 5th-6th; this Thursday and Friday between 6:00 am and 10:00 am.

Follow our hashtag to keep up to date with our whereabouts #iHeartBahamas

I will be broadcasting live from both locations from 10am - 3pm.

Come by and help us get life saving supplies to our friends at the Bahamas, once a paradise, now a disaster zone.

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