Castronovo Musings: Let's Talk Weed, People!

I’m not sure how you feel about legal marijuana in the state of Florida, but as someone who just got back from Colorado (where there is a weed store every seven feet) we are totally missing the boat. Find out why I think we should hop on the bandwagon and legalize! Make it Legal Florida is mailing out flyers with petitions designed to get weed legalization on the ballot in 2020. So, find the petition and SIGN it.

Why? I grew up in the 70’s, and watched countless friends lives ruined by getting caught with a joint or a bag of herb. I spent my entire high school career pouring gallons of Visine into my eyes to hide it from my Mom, who now is a patient who uses Medical Marijuana! In Colorado? It’s no big deal. Imagine walking into a store, various strains of Marijuana in all different forms, from breath mints to gummy bears to ready rolled joints, giant vats of beautifully trimmed buds. I was losing my mind, it was surreal (and it really smelled good too) and people were completely nonchalant about it.

What’s better? Taking a Xanax (you can get addicted) or drinking a bottle of scotch (you can lose a liver and get addicted, or taking a couple of puffs of something completely natural that might make you eat a Twinkie?

Ask the school systems in Colorado how they feel about the influx of cash they’re getting from the sale of Marijuana, and then ask: why wouldn’t we want that here? Less arrests and money to the schools? Yeah, I’ll take that all day.

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