Castronovo Musings: The Battle Against Iguanas


Okay, iguanas. It’s on. You have taken over my backyard and I’m taking it back. I’m sick of your foot long steaming piles of iguana crap adorning my dock and pool deck. It's time to end this battle. I know that when I’m sleeping, teams of iguanas are treating my pool like a resort pool, swimming laps and spreading their diseases to anyone who comes within breathing distance of it. Sure the state of Florida says we can shoot em, but I’m not doing that! As much as I loathe the nasty buggers, I’m not gonna shoot one, BUT they must leave. So after much debate on Instagram, I have purchased the answer: a product called Iguana Rid. Just spray it around your yard and iguanas will be repelled like Jet fans are by Adam Gase. At least that’s the plan! If it works great! My neighbors can choke on my iguanas. If it doesn’t work, do I go all pellet gun? Do I wait for a deep freeze? Do I permanently move to Maine? Stay tuned!

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