Guy Creates Dating App Where He's The ONLY Available Man


As reported by WFMY News 2, a North Carolina man has gone to great lengths to find love. He's decided that the best possible playing field would be one in which he has absolutely no competition. How? Well, he's made an app where he's the only guy available for ladies to see. Yes, it's as weird as it sounds. Basically, it utilizes the swiping feature that we've come to expect from dating apps, but when women swipe on this platform, they only see pictures of this one dude. The guy in question is named Aaron Smith, and he has an interesting business style approach to this dating plan: "If life gives you lemons, you should first make lemonade," he said. "Then make sure no other companies can produce or distribute their own soft drinks. So the only game in town is lemonade.”

Check out his commercial for the app below:

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