Does Mashed Exist on KETO?

As the pounds continue to melt away, thanks to Quick Weight Loss Centers, people are beginning to ask me how am I doing it? What am I eating? How long since I last ate a potato? All of these are valid questions and trust me, I get it, I always asked the same questions myself. But now I have answers thanks to QWLC.

I have always been a meat and potatoes guy. It's why I went with the KETO plan, because I knew I wouldn't be successful eating brown rice with every meal. Tried it. Failed at it. So, what fills the role formerly played by potato? Allow me to introduce you to my friend…the Cauliflower.

I use cauliflower to make my hash browns and my mashed…here's the mashed recipe!


1 Head Cauliflower

2 Cloves Garlic (minced)

½ Stick of KerryGold Butter

¼ Cup Heavy Cream

Salt & Pepper to Taste

Chop the cauliflower up into smaller chunks that will fit in your food processor. Steam the cauliflower until fork tender. Remove from steam and dump it into food processor. Add Garlic, Butter & Cream and mix that up until it’s the consistency you like ytour mashed. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve alongside a NY Strip and some Asparagus and you will LOVE IT!

Mashed Cauliflower

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