Paul Castronovo Musings: Don't Be A Cov-Idiot!

We’ve seen them. They’re your neighbors, your friends, family members and co-workers. People who seemingly have no idea that there’s a pandemic and have no intention of taking the necessary precautions that it will take to help eradicate this nightmare that we are going through.

Case in point:

Our producer Mike was in 5 Guys yesterday, and some tool ordering food was leaning on the counter, rubbing his coronavirus ladened arms all over the counter and spreading his disgusting germs everywhere. Why didn’t the employees say anything? They are Covidiots too.

Part two: The Covidiot that brought pizza out to my car from Tucci’s Pizza in Boca, with no mask and no gloves. When I called him out on it, he responded with a hearty, “They aren’t really enforcing that”. Oh great.

Covidiot 3: One of our listeners called in with a story about a woman who was refused entry into Publix because she didn’t have a mask, so she picked a used one off the ground and put it on. That’s like finding a used condom in the street and using it! BTW: our listener offered to give her one, she said, “don’t bother me”

Boaters: Many of them I kind of know….I am still seeing boat loads of people with multiple family members hanging out and partying. WTF are they thinking?

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