STUDY: The Best Way to Get Out of a Speeding Ticket is Playing Dumb

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What's the best excuse to get out of a speeding ticket? A new study found that playing dumb and claiming you didn't know you were speeding works 32% of the time. 

Researchers asked people to name various excuses they've used, and whether they worked or not. And they found the best excuse is to claim you just didn't realize you were driving so fast. Here are the excuses that work best . . .

1. "I didn't realize I was speeding." It works 32% of the time. And it's also the most popular excuse we use.

2. "I'm late for work." It works 20% of the time.

3. "There's a medical emergency," 20%.

4. "I really have to use the bathroom," 17%.

5. "I didn't see the speed limit sign," also 17%.

A few that ranked lower include, "I was going the same speed as everyone else" . . . "I'm late picking up my kid" . . . "I'm late for the doctor" . . . and "I'm late for court."

If you don't want to lie, you don't have to. Because there's one HONEST strategy that works even better. Just ask the cop to give you a warning instead of a ticket. There's a 41% chance they'll do it.


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