Paul Castronovo Musings: Things I've Learned During The Pandemic, Part 7

I will happily share in kitchen clean up duties, but I realize now, that while I hate loading a dishwasher, I REALLY hate unloading, because that means putting the dishes away too!

I can spy on people with my Ring camera! Sorry, but if you are going to dish while in front of my door (I’m speaking to you my Son), guess what? Your Old man hears all!

Quarantining in Florida is WAY better than pretty much anyplace else in the US…Imagine being stuck in a high rise in NYC? I bet all those folks who once in the past had said, “I’m gonna move to Florida someday” Actually do. Being stuck down here is a breeze as opposed to 500 sq feet on the 50th floor with 2 screaming kids.

Wanna put on some weight? Stay at home for 3 months. God help me if we have a second wave.

I think two months of a shutdown is about all humans can take. Case in point, my 20 year old: Most of March, April, and the beginning of May he was down with the quarantine….once he got a taste of seeing his friends and a bit of freedom, I couldn’t have kept him home if I had chained him to the garage.

I hate wearing the mask. How do surgeons do it? I walk into Publix, now granted I’m in a hurry to get out, so I’m moving quicker than usual, I like to linger in the booze isle…but my glasses fog up, I begin hyperventilating and generally feel like crap until I get in my car and get the mask off. Am I alone in this?

I miss going out. I miss concerts. I miss waiting at the bar for my table and ordering a martini. I miss having dinner at the bar with my Wife, and shooting the crap with the bartender or whoever else is hanging around. I miss going for drinks and a movie at the Ipic in Boca. I miss going to the Hard Rock. I miss comedy clubs! So generally, I miss people!

Slowly but surely we will get back to normal…I’m thinking Spring of 2021

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