If you have listened to me on the radio for any length of time, you know that I’m not one to admit when I’m wrong...really, who is? I love a good argument, but when I’m wrong, I usually don’t admit it. That being said, I was wrong.
Late to the party.
I’m talking about the musical, Hamilton. I know, It’s been out for years, but I’m not a “musical” guy. Although, I did catch the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall in December last year and it was amazing. But my friend Heather has been bugging me to watch Hamilton on Disney Plus for months, and until we had a bet..I didn’t bother. Until this week. I’m a damn fool.
Don’t be “that guy”
“Yeah, that’s not me”; “people just breaking into song? I don’t think so”; “you mean like Oklahoma? Hell no”. These are all things that macho Paul said leading up to my breakthrough, and let me tell you, it was a breakthrough.
My eyes have been opened.
Lin-Manuel Miranda is an absolute genius. Give yourself a few minutes...don’t be thrown by the amount of dialogue in the first few minutes. Turn on closed caption, you don’t want to miss a minute. There was a moment, not sure when yours will hit, but mine was about 20 minutes in, when I was overwhelmed. It’s that good. It’s brilliant, a spectacle, moving, emotional, funny, sad, engaging and historic. I’m a history buff, and if they taught it this way in High School, we all would have been “A” students.
Don’t waste another minute, and watch Hamilton. And if the world ever gets back to normal, I’ll go to Broadway and see it live.
Boy, that was tough, happy, Heather?