Want To Celebrate National Irish Coffee Day? I'll Show You How.

Today is National Irish Coffee Day. It happens to coincide with a Monday, so of course, this will be the best way to get through the day for all of us working from home. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. 😉

According to Delish.com "The Irish Coffee was created in the winter of 1943 by Joe Sheridan, a humble chef at Foynes Port near Limerick, Ireland. Why? Well, passengers would often need to spend the night in Foynes and a hub of new accommodation, bars, and restaurants was created to service the travellers. One day, after a plane abandoned its trip and turned back to Foynes, Joe whipped up something to help the passengers forget about the cold and their disappointment. Legend has it that everyone drank their drinks in total silence, savouring the unique taste as it passed through their lips. One person eventually spoke up, asking Joe if they were drinking Brazilian coffee, to which he heartily replied: “No, that’s Irish Coffee.” Irish Coffee became a huge success and an airport specialty. Irish Coffee was introduced to the United States in 1952 by travel writer Stanton Delaplane. He brought it to the attention of Jack Koeppler, a bartender at the Buena Vista Hotel in San Francisco, and persuaded him to recreate it."

Coffee cocktails are just about as sinful a beverage as we can think of. They are a direct jolt of caffeine and booze straight to the system that is perfect for the start or end of the night. Irish coffee is one of the most classic coffee mixed drinks. It is the perfect combination of sweetened coffee, Irish whiskey, and (of course) whipped cream. It's cozy, delicious, and incredibly easy to make. 

Okay, okay enough already, we are SOLD! Now tell me ... how do you make this magical beverage?


16 oz.hot water

2 tsp.light brown sugar

1 c.brewed coffee

2 oz.Irish whiskey (such as Jameson)

1/2 c.heavy cream for topping

Chocolate shavings, for garnish


  1. Fill two mugs with hot water and let sit 2 minutes. Pour out water and add 1 tsp. light brown sugar to each mug. Pour over hot coffee and stir to dissolve sugar, then pour in whiskey.
  2. In a separate bowl with an electric mixer or by hand, whisk cream until soft peaks form. The cream should be thick but still pourable. Top coffee with cream by gently pouring over the back of a warm spoon to form a thick layer on top of the coffee. Garnish with chocolate shavings.

I also enjoy watching this guy make an Irish Coffee. It feels very calming, must be the voice-over that sounds similar to the late, great Sean Connery. Cheers! ☕

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