Papa's Pilar Rum Fishing Report (1/7/22)

Switch it Up to Snapper!

It seems that most weeks we are talking about pelagic fish being caught off Hillsboro Inlet. Yes it is true that we love to catch wahoo, mahi-mahi, tuna and swordfish but the truth is that lots of anglers love to drop down to the bottom and catch snapper. They are not trying to catch snapper just to eat but the fact that bending the rod and keeping anglers interested is a huge part of fishing. Trolling over the last week has been extremely slow with an occasional wahoo, not very many kingfish and almost no tuna. We have often talked about transitional periods in fishing and we are in one of those times so when that happens don’t be afraid to break out the bottom fishing rods and go for those snapper like you see in the picture here. This is a great time to bend the rod on all sorts of snapper or grouper around the wrecks and edges off our coast. The snapper in the picture is a mutton snapper and is one of the best eating in the snapper family. These fish get up to 15 pounds but most catches average around 2 to 3pounds. For the snapper we use a sliding lead above a swivel with a long fluorocarbon leader and a circle hook at the end for a ballyhoo or live pilchard. If you need help getting set up for tackle call us at the store and we will guide you in the right direction.

Swordfish bite has been a bit slow this week and the sea conditions were a little rough. John Michael Lavergne from Lighthouse Point caught a 325 pound Sword earlier this week on his buoy rod. Check the weather if you plan on going offshore with the cold fronts around.

-RJ Boyle, RJ Boyle Studio

Been a little on the slow side in the Miami area, a few sailfish bites along with some kingfish and occasional Mahi and black fin tuna mostly on live baits under the kite in 100-300ft. Still finding some mutton snapper on the reef and on the deep line.

-Captain Jimbo Thomas, Thomas Flyer

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