WATCH: Disneyland Paris Employee Snatches Engagement Ring During Proposal

Over the weekend a video went viral showing a Disney Paris employee absolutely RUINING a couple's wedding proposal.

Here’s the backstory, before proposing on a platform in front of Disney’s magic castle, the guy ask for, and received, permission. With a crowd cheering, he got down on one knee before his lady, and made his move…and she was clearly saying 'yes.' Then, out of nowhere, a Disney employee wearing silver Mickey Mouse ears runs between them, GRABS THE RING OUT OF HIS HAND, walks it down the stage stairs, and directs them to step off to the side where he says it will "be even better." Moment blown to hell.

As far as Disney, they’ve seen the video and “regret how (it) was handled.” The park has “apologized to the couple and have offered to make it right.”

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