Man Regrets Drinking Bottle of Seltzer Water Before Bed

This guy decided to chug an entire bottle of seltzer water right before bed, and now he's facing the consequences. "I need to go to the hospital," he says. "I'm in so much pain!"

While it's definitely true that stuck gas can hurt quite a bit, this poor guy's wife has a hard time feeling sorry for him. After all, it was his own choice to down an entire beverage filled to the brim with carbonation. Following a few farts, this guy starts to worry that it's all going to come out the wrong end, and much too slowly.

Eventually, his wife comes to the rescue and pats him on the back like she's burping a baby. The almighty burp he lets out must have felt so dang good, and its sequel is nothing to scoff at either. He'll probably think twice before going all in on a carbonated drink again

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