Kiss Your Favorite Ginger On National Kiss A Ginger Day!

Photo: John Nacion / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

It's Kiss A Ginger Day!

Today is the day we give a kiss to our favorite gingers. Whether it be Emma Stone, Nicole Kidman, Ronald McDonald or Carrot Top, this is the day we give em all a peck on the cheek and say that we love you.

The day was created to support redheads who may have been teased for their hair color. The red hair gene requires two copies for it to present, and even if both parents have it, there is only a 1 in 4 chance they will have a redheaded child. Even more of a unicorn is the blue-eyed ginger, who makes up 1% of the redhead population.

Now let's be clear that, you should obtain permission before kissing anyone, but the sentiment is still a good one as many redheads feel like outcasts. Redheads are rare, and make up less than 2 percent of the population and to throw more rareness at the situation, those who are may be left-handed.

Kiss a Ginger! And spread the kindness.

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