Five Songs For The Lonely On Valentine's Day

Photo: OLIVIER MORIN / AFP / Getty Images

Valentine's Day is the one day in the year that for many in this world is the most frustrating. Whether you're in or out of a relationship, Valentine's Day can make your head hurt or your heart ache. So for those who aren't necessarily celebrating, let's twist the knife with five really great power ballads where things didn't work out.

NUMBER FIVE: "I Keep Forgettin - Michael McDonald

It's not the hardest hitting song in terms of rock power, but it's got one of the coolest groove's McDonald's ever made. Even if you're driving around and hearing sappy song after sappy song in every other car headed for a date, that bass line will keep your head boppin till you get to where you need to be.

NUMBER FOUR: Too Late For Love - Def Leppard

It's the Leppard power ballad with the cool intro that kicks in hard and hits you straight in the guts. Joe Elliott's screaming voice is enough to rip the tortured heart out of anyone, but the cool strut like groove makes you wanna walk away from a relationship like an action hero walking away from an explosion in slow motion.

NUMER THREE: Headed For A Heartbreak - Winger

Never mind that Reb Beach's guitar solo may be one of the most beautiful in hair metal, power ballad history, as it conveys an entire history of a relationship gone bad in barely half a minute, but the rhythm of the song shows off the technical ability of the band without making it too complex for your average music fan to enjoy.

NUMBER TWO: Who's Crying Now - Journey

What can you say that hasn't been said. It's Steve Perry. The man can make a nursery rhyme sound tragic. When it comes to falling in love, or proclaiming love, or the story of life in love, Steve Perry is the poster boy for making a great power ballad. "Who's Crying Now", however makes you wanna drive down the highway on a rainy night, like your Crockett getting over the girl that got away on a very special episode of Miami Vice.

NUMBER ONE: Hard Habit To Break - Chicago

Peter Cetera may actually be the king of love songs, and with Hard Habit To Break he makes losing the woman you love sound like you should be wrapped up in a kiss at the end of a chick flick. The man cannot make a song sound like you''re going through a bad experience if he tried. Ironically, neither he nor the other members of Chicago wrote the song that in my personal opinion best exemplifies Cetera's pure vocal star power with the band's ability for musical composition better than any of his other power ballads.

There you have it, five songs for the person that doesn't have someone to love on the most manipulative day on the calendar

Happy Valentine's Day

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