Happy National Kahlua Day!

Let's be real, nobody ever really needs a reason to celebrate alchahol, but when there's a national day dedicated to a dring, we as a society will que the party music and drink up!

So, with that in mind, Today is National Kahlúa Day!

The day we the people recognize the rich, cream coffee liqueur that's also a great dessert! To celebrate, you can use the coffee-flavored rum-based liquor, on your ice cream or other desserts, and it also tastes great in coffee, hot chocolate, creamy cocktails, or as a shot on the rocks.

Pedro Domecq produced Kahlúa in 1936, and in 1994, the company merged with Allied Lyons to form Allied Domecq. Made from coffee and rum, Kahlúa is found in some of the most famous cocktails you can find at a bar.

From B-52's to Black Russians, Mudslides, and White Russians.

Celebrate National Kahlua day by baking a delicious dessert, serve up a beverage or enjoying a Kahlúa cocktail!

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