The Little Rascals Rob A Bank An Get Turned In By Their Parents?!

Three bank robbers dubbed the "little rascals" are now in custody, at the FBI in Houston.

The kids made headlines when they robbed a Wells Fargo bank, and a witness said the boys appeared to be between 14 and 18 years old. The kids are actually 16, 12, and 11 years old,

"The age of the younger two, that's unusual for a bank robbery," Mike Schneider, a retired juvenile district court judge said. "It's one of the first times I've seen that."

The boys passed a threatening note to a teller, who believed they were armed, and though they did not present a weapon, they got away with money. Photos were released, and the parents of two of the boys came forward and identified them, as the third boy was found after a fight and was recognized. Authorities recovered a weapon and a distinctive item pictured in one of the photos, and the "little rascals" are now charged with robbery by threat, which is a second-degree felony.

"I was thinking either this was very low in sophistication or maybe an adult had something to do with this. That is not uncommon. Because kids have a punishment that is less severe, it is not uncommon for adult offenders to get them to commit crimes," Schneider said.

Because they are minors, the FBI said their names and additional details will not be released, but if the allegations are true, they could face probation until they turn 18 or juvenile prison until they turn 19.

That'll learn 'em.

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