It's Chicken Dance Day!

It's National Chicken Dance Day!

Now let's be real, pretty much any day at game, whether it be baseball, hockey, or football, you're bound to do the chicken dance, but nationally the Chicken Dance is observed today!

Written in the 1950s by Werner Thomas, the Swiss accordionist created the Chicken Dance in Europe, but eventually it made it out to the United States in the 1970s. The Chicken Dance is a polka, originally written with the name Der Ententanz (The Duck Dance), and written as a drinking song for Oktoberfest, but was later changed to Vogeltanz (The Bird Dance). By the time it got to America in the 1970s, the song got the choreography with repetitive beak, wing, and tail motions, and thus the new name of The Chicken Dance!

Now, you can head out to a ballgame and wait for the song to hit the speakers to start celebrating or, you can just look up the song, turn on the cam, and shoot yourself doing your best chicken moves!

Just be sure to hashtag it #DanceLikeAChickenDay when you post it!

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