It's Burger Day!

Did you know that the month of May was National Burger Month?


Well don't worry cause, today is National Burger Day!

Yes! Today, we wrap up National Burger Month, which in turn ushers in summer grilling season! It's goodness all around!

Now as we all know, (and if you didn't you should), there is much controversy that surrounds the origin of the hamburger. Most likely it first appeared in the 19th or early 20th centuries, but regardless of that, it has become as American as Apple Pie!

So, if you didn't get a chance to over the weekend, or if you were too wiped out from the weekend to do it on Memorial Day, fire up the grill and get some patties goin man! Add cheese, throw on some bacon, Go Crazy! It's National Burger Day! It's time to get yourself a burger and get to snackin!

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