By most accounts at the time AC/DC should have ended in the 70's, but the band did what few bands have successfully done in their music history, replace their lead singer and carry on to new heights. In 1980, AC/DC defied the fates and resurrected themselves with "Back In Black"!

Their seventh album was a eulogy to their lead singer Bon Scott who died before the band could begin recording it. With new singer Brian Johnson, Back In Black was following the mass success of Highway to Hell. Johnson would join Angus and Malcolm Young, in the Bahamas to record with "Mutt" Lange, and release the all-black album as a requiem for Scott.

Back in Black was a commercial and critical success, selling 50 million copies worldwide, which was followed with a huge tour that firmly made the band one of the biggest acts on the planet. Since its release the record has been certified 26x Platinum, making it the best-selling album that never went #1 on the Billboard charts. AC/DC could have folded and the Young brother could have gone off to create some other band in the wake of the tragedy of their fallen friend, but instead they forged a new path, with a new singer, and blazed a trail through the decades and into the rare air of all-time rock bands.