Photo: MICHELE EVE SANDBERG / AFP / Getty Images
A man had a hankering for beef jerky and pistachio nuts, so he swiped $100 worth from a convenience store.
Anton Aftonov Karamfilov, walked into a truck stop and saw a sign with a deputy patrol car on it that read, "Free ride if you shoplift from this store."
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, reported that Karamfilov walked into the store and grabbed beef jerky and pistachio nuts, and strolled out the door. When the employees saw him steal the items, they went to stop him as he ran to his Lowes box truck that he drove to the stop along his route.
"I bet Lowes was not happy this morning. They were even less happy when he did this theft because, you know, there was nobody to drive this Lowes truck because he got that free ride we advertised right at the front door." said Judd.
Karamfilov was taken to jail and charged with first-degree petty theft.