Today is National Cheese Day!!
June 4th is National Cheese Day! The day we celebrate the food/topping/condiment/whatever the Hell else you use it for!
Whether it be pizza, tacos, a sandwich, potato chips, salads, and even more, cheese is one of the most used foods on the planet and deserves to have it's own day! Produced from the pressed curds of milk, your favorite wine's sidekick is a cash food item used all around the world.
Here in the US, Wisconsin calls cheese it's official food, and local delis have selections of domestic and imported cheeses, and independent shops range all over the nation. A great snack on its own, cheese is the perfect ingredient in pasta, soups, soufflé, and recipes galore. We eat it cold, melted, fried, and baked. Cheese is the multifunctional, multinational, food that is used worldwide and today like everyday is the best day to celebrate CHEESE!
Celebrate National Cheese Day with your best cheese dish and hashtag it #nationalcheeseday and if you post it tag us when you share!