Doc Reno

Doc Reno

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Why Did The Burglar Cross The Street? It Wasn't To Get To The Other Side.

A burgler was arrested after he tried to rob an unlocked bank.

Colton Vanhonhenstien, was caught on surveillance video at a gas station buying a mask, according to the Martin County Sheriff's Office, who saw that Vanhonhenstien went across the street to an unlocked Wells Fargo bank. At the bank, he found empty drawers and cabinets, which set off the alarm security system, which notified the sheriff's office. By the time deputies got there, Colton was gone, but through the video, Vanhonhenstien was arrested, and charged with burglary, even though he left empty-handed.

Deputies still don't know why the bank door was left unlocked and why the alarm system called an "in-progress robbery" on a burglary that happened an hour before. The empty drawers are not a mystery, however that gets cleaned out by end of day, which is why banks have vaults. It's where you put the money when there's no one there, which Colton never picked up on when coming up with his masterplan.

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