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Alec Baldwin Goes "Full Dad" On Daughter's Photo

Alec Baldwin is, without a doubt, a superstar in the world of acting and filmmaking. He's highly prolific, and arguably more relevant right now than he's been in years. But despite all of that, he's still a dad. Oh boy, is he a dad. 

He proved as much earlier this week when he commented on a racy photo posted by his 22-year old daughter (and professional model), Ireland Baldwin. The photo in question (featured below) has almost 27,000 likes at the time of this writing, and her account boasts 433,000 followers. So it's safe to say many were pleased. 

Alec, however, was not. His comment has made the rounds across entertainment news outlets, and it is quite honestly the perfect comedic encapsulation of fatherhood: 


The comment got plenty of laughs and it doesn't seem to indicate any bad blood within the Baldwin household. While it is on record that there was a less than friendly vibe in their relationship years ago, Ireland told the crowd at Spike TV's One Night Only: Alec Baldwin special, "Some of you may remember me as that thoughtless little pig you read about. That was a decade ago, and my dad and I are in a much better place now. He would never say something like that -- because I’m 6’2″ and I would kick his a**."

We're very glad their relationship has upgraded from name calling to uncomfortable social media commenting! 

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