The Paul Castronovo Show

The Paul Castronovo Show

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Paul Castronovo's The Ten: The Greatest 'Seinfeld' Episodes


A recent list on the official Seinfeld Instagram account ranked the 30 greatest episodes of all time. Well, I'm not sure their top ten would be the same as mine, so I'm here to counter with my own list! Check it out. And join us at our Festivus for the Rest of Us (It's Dinner About Nothing) on November 14th! Details below.

My Top 10 Seinfeld Episodes:

1) The Contest: George gets “caught” treating his body like an amusement park…by his Mother. ‘

2) The Puffy Shirt: “But I don’t wanna be a pirate”. The low talker. George as a hand model. Freaking fantastic

3) The Airport: Jerry and Elaine fly back to NY, unfortunately there’s only one seat in first class, and Jerry Takes it. Elaine’s stuck in coach, while Jerry Sits with a model!

4) The Marine Biologist: “The Sea was Angry that day my friend”

5) The Merv Griffin Show: Kramer finds a set from the old Merv Griffin Show, it ends up in his apartment and he treats his place like a tv show.

6) The Hamptons: the term “Shrinkage” was coined. “It shrinks?” Like a frightened turtle.

7) The Library: Jerry has a book fine from 1971, and meets Lt. Bookman (who also played the Doctor in a few episodes of Curb), he takes library theft very seriously

8) The Switch: according to George, “It can’t be done”. Jerry meets a girl…then meets the roommate, he likes her better and a devious plan comes into play

9) The Pez Dispenser: When Jerry puts a pez dispenser on Elaine’s knee during a concert performance by George’s date, she loses it, and so do I.

10) The Pony Remark: Jerry offends Manya, by saying he hates people who had ponies growing up. “I had a pony” says Manya. Then she dies.


If you’re a Seinfeld fan, this is something you can’t miss. Our Seinfeld dinner, “about nothing” the Festivus for the Rest of Us! Featuring an unreal meal based on the “Foods of Seinfeld” like: Kenny Rogers Roasted Chicken; Swordfish (It’s the Best Jerry, the best!); The black and white cookie, the chocolate bobka, marble rye, risotto and more! Plus and open bar! All proceeds benefit the Human Fund, for tickets go to Eventbrite. To win your way in, watch the CW South Florida weeknights at 11, watch for the keyword, then listen to BIG 105.9 the next morning at 8:30, if you know it call in AND you’re in the dinner and in the running for a trip to NYC to see Jerry Seinfeld in concert at the Beacon Theater, via Spirit Airlines and a stay at the Conrad Hotel Downtown!

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