Paul Castronovo's The Ten: Top Romantic Comedies

It takes a man somewhat comfortable with his masculinity to be able to admit that he loves romantic comedies….and while that man may not be me, I am totally cool with a sappy movie that has a heart and makes you chuckle. I would think if you had two pick two actors that are at the top of the rom-com game, you’d have to go with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, but you could argue that Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore are right there, couldn’t you? Is it wrong that I have been known to watch them without my wife being present? Does that make me less of a man? Perhaps! But I don’t care what you think, ok…yes I do. And 40 Year old Virgin and Coming To America are NOT Rom com’s. They’re just funny…same as There’s Something About Mary and the academy award winning: Annie Hall

Here’s my ten!

1) Groundhog Day. I may go as far as saying this is far and away the best film Bill Murray ever made. If it’s on, I am watching

2) When Harry Met Sally. Not only a great Rom Com, but just a flat out funny movie. The deli orgasm scene is legendary and who didn’t fall in love with Meg Ryan?

3) Moonstruck. This is one of my favorite movies of all time. Set in Little Italy, Nicolas Cage and Cher have unreal chemistry, and Danny Aiello is sheer comedic brilliance.

4) American President. C’mon, How cute is Annette Benning in this movie? This is why Warren Beatty fell in love with her, I’m convinced! Michael Douglas, the President has a girlfriend!

5) Pretty Woman. Oh Julia Roberts, so hot! I also love when Richard Gere throws Jason Alexander across the room. Now that’s comedy!

6) Dave. Another President movie, this time it’s Kevin Cline who looks like the president only with bigger privates. You had to see it.

7) Wedding Crashers. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn star as two lunatics who crash weddings to pick up girls, but really it was Isla Fisher who stole this one for me

8) You’ve Got Mail. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan as rival bookstore owners who fall in love online. It made me hate AOL, but love the two of them.

9) As Good As It Gets. Nobody would think that Jack Nicholson could do Rom Com, but this one kills. Greg Kinnear is a sympathetic figure, but it’s Hellen Hunt as the waitress that gets you the lump in your throat and another lump when you see her in the tub!

10) Knocked Up. I know, it seems like this one falls into the category of just comedy, but the whole movie is about Seth Rogan (nothing screams romance more than him) and Katherine Heigel coming to terms with a one night stand.

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