Man Proposes With Five Rings!

I'm sorry but this is the MOST CRINGY proposal I have EVER SEEN.

I can't speak for all women obviously, but most of my friends and myself included talk about the way we want to get proposed to and how we want our weddings to be ... often. I have done this since I was a little girl. I'm pretty sure I've had my colors picked out since I was 10-years-old.

My friend got proposed to a few years back and her boyfriend at the time took her to dinner in a limo, blind folder her on the way back to the hotel and he took her over to a gazebo he had lit up in fairy lights earlier and when he told her to take off the blind fold he was on one knee in front of her. Just the two of them, in love, together. That, in my opinion is the most romantic proposal.

Then there is the other end of the spectrum. A video went viral recently for a proposal where the groom to be, had his bride to be, pick out the ring she wanted from FIVE options as he asked her to marry him.

Helicopter in the background, what looks like a representative from the jewelry store standing with them, other people filming all while clearly on the landing pad ... the proposal is elaborate.

Is marriage really that glamorous though? Is daily life all that glamorous? Sometimes I think people have these grand proposals and then what comes afterwards could seem like a let down. Love is beautiful but sometimes I think people get caught up in the process and forget what it's really about. The simple act of loving and being loved.

Good on this guy for putting in so much thought and effort into a proposal for the woman he loves, but I'm sure she would have said yes with something a little less ... over the top. And if she wouldn't say yes without all the hype, maybe she's not the right one anyway.

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