Get Paid To Drink Beer!

Would you rather pay for a beer or get paid for a beer? I think the answer is obvious isn't it?

Lincolnshire County in England wants to promote tourism in the area, so they’re looking for someone to accept a $40,000 salary to visit pubs for the year.

Uh .... YES PLEASE! When I was in London I had the greatest time going from pub to pub on a bit of a crawl enjoying the summer sun and a cold cider (my drink of choice) in hand. So I know this role would be wonderful. The history of England is so rich and the people are amazing, I can't wait to go back when borders open again.

Anyway ... this person would get the title of Heritage Project Officer and would be in charge of researching the history of public houses and boost awareness of the area in hopes of inspiring more tourists to visit.
And while the job posting doesn’t mention anything about drinking beer ... there might just be a pint or two to be enjoyed along the way. (DUH!)

Applicants will be expected to;

  • Demonstrate a good working knowledge of the historic built environment, and the current statutory and policy context for heritage,
  • Have experience of carrying out research,
  • Have a high level of organisational skill and time management, with the ability to work on your own initiative and as part of a team.

Sign up here!

You might need to brush up on your "English Pub skills" so check out this video here.

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