Florida Woman Gives Birth To The Same Baby Twice!

Imagine giving birth to the same baby twice! A Florida woman is in the process of doing this.

Jaiden Ashlea, a Florida-based fashion, beauty and lifestyle vlogger, explained in a video that when she was 19 weeks pregnant, she learned her unborn son had spina bifida, a condition where the spine and spinal cord don't form correctly. She was at first told that there was "no hope" for her son, but Jaiden got a second opinion and found an Orlando-based medical team that operates on babies before they are even born. It's called open fetal surgery, the specialists took out Jaiden's baby, repaired his neural-tube defect, and put him back inside her womb where he will continue to grow for the next 11 weeks.

Isn't it wonderful that we live in a world where this can happen?!

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