Doc Reno

Doc Reno

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Mr. Big Drops Two For "Ten" Before July

Mr. Big's Ten comes out in July, but the band is still releasing singles with their new one “Up on You”.

The video has Mr. Big doing the ol’ “Switcheroo”, as the band trades instruments throughout the song.

“I’m on bass, Billy sings, Nick plays guitar and Paul rocks the drums… it’s a lot of fun and the crowd goes wild. So the concept for the video was simple: ‘Do The Switcheroo and go bat shit crazy for a couple hours.'” says Eric Martin. "Who says Rock & Roll has to be serious? Most of the videos that we’ve done over the years have had a bit of humor in it.”

Mr. Big's 10th album, "Ten," arrives July 12th, as they've already put out a single and video for “Good Luck Trying!”

“Overall, it’s about being overwhelmed with life, and realizing that you won’t win many of the battles, but still fighting to the end,” Paul Gilbert said. “And keeping a sense of humor about it by saying to anyone nearby, ‘Wish me good luck trying!'”

Ten features the original band alongside new drummer Nick D’Virgilio, who took over for the late Pat Torpey, as the band dedicated the album to Torpey.

“This new album doesn’t copy anything from the nine previous studio records… it’s all new stuff from scratch,” said Eric Martin. “This is raw, unadulterated riff rock and blues with all the Mr. Big trimmings.”

Mr. Big is in the middle of their farewell tour, but you can still pre-order "Ten"!

Check out the new video and stream the song below!

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