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What Happened To The Titty Twister?

Mike Nip

British soldier jailed for excessive nipple twisting

A British Army Lance Sergeant has been jailed for 6 months after allegedly punching, elbowing, and twisting the nipples of new trainees under his command. Titty twisters?!

Now let me just preface this by saying I don’t find this article funny; what this sergeant did was clearly bullying , but nonetheless it got me thinking about the ever dreaded “titty twister.” What the hell ever happened to it? Do youth still use this tactic to screw with friends or have newer means of inflicting moderate pain replaced it? In my youth you couldn’t escape it. That and “bag tags” of course.

Above you’ll notice a pic of a nipple. My nipple. At one point that poor nipple had a nice little lump of scar tissue behind it. Why you ask? Well, from a multitude of nipple twisters. Many of which were a tad more aggressive than was appropriate for a bit of playful, yet semi-painful fun. This article got me reminiscing about my youth; bonfires in the forest, beers in the basement, and of course the dreaded nipple twister. It’s been well over a decade since I last was on the receiving end of one but at one point in my life they were a daily occurrence.

So whatever happened to this playful assault among guys? I never see it anymore but I’m also not hanging out with teenage boys. And I think much of these sorts of friendly attacks were unique to their respective region, or clique of friends. Every group has their own little culture of violence. Ours certainly had its own unique features. Including flicking…

For a few years hardcore finger flicking became a thing in my circle. You might wonder how a flick of the finger might be painful but I assure you I could easily leave a lasting bruise with one flick of my middle finger. What we were doing was basically a punch with a flick at the end. The whole body was involved; there was a slight skip forward before the feet were planted, hips twisted, and the right arm came whipping around with a devastating flick. Yea it’s stupid, I know. But I’m curious… what did you and your friends do to torment one another? Let me know on Twitter.

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