I’m a fan of the holiday, I really am. In fact, for the past 6 years I have hosted South Florida’s best Halloween party, with over ten grand in cash and prizes, at Bokampers East and I’m doing it again this Friday night. What I don’t miss is the insane Halloween parties we used have at my house. Our old neighborhood had a massive party for the kids at the park at the end of my street. As soon as that party ended, all the kids from the park ended up at our house! About 600 kids, not only from our hood, but every neighborhood within driving distance. We went overboard decorating the house, with my Dad hanging out in a coffin, scaring the crap out of the kids and me pouring drinks for the neighbors in traditional red solo cups. Loved it. It was great, until the day some kid stole my wife’s iPhone, then called our house and said, “You can have your phone back for $250!” I called the cops, and we actually ran a sting and busted the jerk. They had me meet him at the McDonalds around the corner, and the minute he handed me the phone and took him down, the cops pulled in and within seconds had him in handcuffs. It was like an episode of Hill Street Blues or something. Anyway, I will see you at Bokampers. Here are my Top 10 Favorite Monsters:
- Dracula (hard to beat the original, played by Bella Lugosi…he was scary to look at but not sure if the movies hold up)
- Alien (The lower mandible that juts out is hard to beat, plus they come out of your chest)
- Frankenstein (The concept of a dead guy that comes back to life with different body parts is a classic)
- The Mummy (Especially the old school one played by Boris Karloff! For some reason, the damn thing could barely walk yet could catch everyone)
- Jason from Friday the 13th(I was a teenager when he first showed up, and I still don’t like him or his complexion)
- Pennywise the Clown (I don’t like Fuc*&ng clowns)
- Linda Blair’s Regan From The Exorcist (When Linda Blair gets possessed and shoots pea soup out of her mouth and shoves a crucifix into her, that’s some scary crap)
- Godzilla (Dude can stomp out a whole city in about 20 minutes)
- Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs, To quote Dr. Chilton, “Oh, he’s a monster” Plus he will eat your liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti)
- The Thing (go watch this movie)
Now check out some photos from previous Halloweens:
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