Last Thanksgiving, a friend gave me some waypoints in North Key Largo and “claimed” the wahoo bite in that area, in November was world class. So I plugged the GPS numbers into my trusty 24 inch Simrad unit (I could watch NFL games on this thing) and promptly caught a nice wahoo. Fast forward to last week, Thanksgiving 2019, and this time we were going back and would not be denied.
At Sunrise, my Son AJ and I were high speed trolling south at 17mph and looking for marks on my depth finder. Sure enough, while running that fast and in 150-250 feet of water, it was reading clear as a bell. About 35 minutes later I said to my Son, “marking them pretty well right now, get ready”! And that’s when the center line started peeling line off my 80 wide Hooker electric reel.
Pandemonium ensued and ten minutes later a 60lb (or so I thought) Wahoo was in the box. I swear it was 60 but the scale said 45. Must’ve been broken! For the next hour, it was fish after fish, and we ended up with 4 and a half wahoo (hey, the sharks get to eat too).
We weren’t done. While running my 36 Contender back to Boca Raton, we ran across a weedline and trolled it for a few minutes when we ran across a bucket that was loaded with bait, as soon as we passed the bucket I saw two big Mahi rush towards our Baits and we nailed a couple of ten pounders.
We picked up a few more Dolphin on the weedline, then off Miami Beach I spotted a bunch of frigate birds diving in about 90 feet of water, we put two planers out with bonito strips and ballyhoo Islander combos and caught two nice Spanish Mackeral! I was eating sushi a few hours later. My wife started calling, “I thought you were coming home early?” Soon, honey. So we started heading north again when we saw a bunch of boats north of Haulover inlet and we had to explore. There was bait everywhere and the bottom was all lit up on my Simrad, so my son dropped a flat fall jig to the bottom, picked up a nice mutton snapper and we were done. That’s two pretty good days of fishing and I deserved the cocktail I enjoyed when we tied up.
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