If you've been paying attention, the Federal Government came out with a big plan to help the common folk. Depending on who you listen to, part of this plan seems to involve checks going out to every single one of us, basically around $1000/per. So, if you don’t plan on being responsible with it, why not spend it and help the economy once everything opens up again?
Here's my list of fun things to do with $1000!
- Go to the Guitar and gamble! If you want to have lots of fun, put it all on a single bet!
- 5 Rolls of Toilet Paper on the Black Market!
- Buy a round trip ticket to Amsterdam to spend 4/20 in the Mecca of Dudeism. (Turkish Airlines from Mia…Here's link)
- How about sweet season tickets to Inter Miami? I know a guy. He'll cut you the deal of a lifetime…
- Buy a new gaming system with a bunch of games. Now's the time to level up that old PS or Xbox, you're probably going to be playing it a lot.