The Paul Castronovo Show

The Paul Castronovo Show

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Paul Castronovo Musings: Working From Home

Welp, here I am. End of day two of “sheltering in place”, “Self Isolation”, “Self distancing” and complete boredom.

Please don’t freak out, I am not working on Friday, March 20th! This was a scheduled day off that I have to take care of personal, non-coronavirus related, family stuff and I will be back on the air on Monday, come hell or high water, whatever that means.

I give you credit, you guys that are home-body’s, people that don’t socialize, don’t go to events, bars, restaurants, parties etc. This has got to be a breeze for you. I am going stir crazy, and it’s only been two days.

I guess I could go for a “Sunday drive”. People used to do that, “C’mon kids! Get in the Country Squire Wagon, we’re going for a ride!” And the kids actually went! Can you imagine that today? “Hey kids, C’Mon, we’re gonna take a ride on 95, get off at the Palmetto Expressway, swing down to Hileah and come back!” There would be a revolt.

I’m assuming the wife will be sick of my face within 2 weeks, but I have a feeling this is gonna go much longer! It blows, but we have to do it. A family in NY, lost 4 members to this damn thing after hosting a dinner party a week ago. 4 family members gone in a week, real enough for ya?

I get it, when I was doing shots on Daytona Beach during Spring Break in ’82, I guarantee you that if someone had said, “People are catching a virus, go home!” I would have probably scoffed at them. Do people still scoff?

But this is serious shit. Can you curse on a blog?

So, I do the show. Write a bit for the next show, eat some lunch, get frustrated by my parents who let the lawn guy come in the house for a Coke, “He only came in for a minute” Says my Mother. My sister and I are losing it. Argue with my Son about coming home from school, UF is a ghost town, but he’s 19 and knows better. I would think he would want to be trapped in a house with his parents instead of 5 buddies that are still left at their Frat house! Ha. Well, I guarantee you that we have more and better food and a boat, but whatever.

Now it’s 11:30, been up since 4:30 am, so I will crash for a bit, then it will be 1pm! WTF do I do for the rest of the day? I can’t go to the gym, they’re all closed anyway, so I can ride my indoor boring non-peleton exersize bike, do a few lunges or whatever to kill an hour, then there’s still the rest of the day!

I could:

a) start drinking

b) watch TV

c) eat again

d) chase Gina around the house

e) all of the above

Good luck to us!

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