The Paul Castronovo Show

The Paul Castronovo Show

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Boca Bash - Do We Like A Party Or What?

The Boca Bash was Sunday, and man is it a sight to behold. 

What is it? Well, and I’m not sure how it started or by whom, but rumor has it, it started as a Facebook post inviting boaters and partiers to come to Lake Boca (it’s not a lake but that’s what they call a large open area of the intracoastal inside Boca Inlet) to raft up on a Sunday and boy did it catch on! 

I live on a canal in Boca, and yes I’ve dealt with drunk idiots driving recklessly in the hood,’s one day, and dammit, it makes me wish I was 20 again... 

So, while I don’t raft up and party with the masses, I’m safely observing from the helm of the Hectic Daze. 

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